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LETTER: Biden’s issues should be no surprise

Joe Biden’s lack of mental acuity is nothing new. It wouldn’t be such a “surprise” if we hadn’t been gas-lighted by the media over the past four years. If his name were Trump, the media would have been demanding a 25th Amendment action to remove him from office. Oh wait… they did do that under the Trump administration.

The media have failed our country by shirking their duty to protect us from our government. Sadly, they are now just an extension of the leftist movement. The media and the Democrats created this Manchurian candidate. Now they’ve got to live with the results.

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LETTER: Power to the people!

Ranked-choice voting would be a boon to Nevada.

LETTER: The cost of driving in Las Vegas

Auto insurance rates are soaring. I am in favor of anything that will lower the cost of mandated insurance policies.

LETTER: Big money in Las Vegas non-profits

I read in a recent Review-Journal that some CEOs of nonprofits were earning up to $552,000 a year. This is disgraceful.

LETTER: Question 7 and ballot security

Are you a fan of mail-in voting? Be aware that there are changes if Question 7 passes.

LETTER: If Democrats run the show in Carson City …

Your Sept. 22 article on what Nevada would look like with a Democrat supermajority in the Legislature can be summed up in one word: California.