LETTER: Biden butchers the border
February 12, 2024 - 9:00 pm
Regarding your Feb. 7 editorial asking about an alternative to the massively flawed border bill compromise: The easy answer is to simply enforce the laws we already have and to roll back all the executive orders that President Joe Biden made that did away with President Donald Trump’s highly effective policies.
This border bill is not about the border. The bill is about $118 billion in borrowed foreign aid for Ukraine, Israel and the Pacific countries — with the border thrown in as a red herring.
Mr. Biden has been president for more than three years, and he blames all his shortcomings on (Russian President Vladimir) Putin or citizen Trump and the Make America Great Again citizens. Every problem America faces is directly the result of Mr. Biden and the extreme far left. He’s president. I think it’s time he started acting like it, took some responsibility and stopped blaming everything on somebody else. Time to man up or stand down.