LETTER: Biden throws away more taxpayer money
December 11, 2023 - 9:01 pm
President Joe Biden comes to town and takes $3 billion out of the pockets of the taxpayers and wants to stick it into a Brightline West rail line that has been going nowhere for the past 20 years (Saturday’s Review-Journal). Has Mr. Biden ever been on the road from Las Vegas to California? I don’t think so.
In the past 20 years, how much money have the American people paid in gasoline taxes to fix the roads in this country? How long does the American citizen have to put up with politicians who now have us more than $33 trillion in debt? We put out money on a daily basis to everyone in the world, and who does the sacrificing? You and I.
Enough is enough. Stop all of this stupid spending. Fix the roads in this country. We don’t need high-speed rail. We don’t need Mr. Biden in Las Vegas for more bull. If he and the other politicians would work for the people and stop trying to get elected 24/7 with our money, we would all live in a better place. Wake up, people. It’s just another hoodwink.