LETTER: Ubiquitous tipping isn’t so bad
December 8, 2023 - 9:01 pm
Columnist Tom Purcell gave us a nice history of tipping in the United States (Dec. 5 commentary). But I believe he made some hasty generalizations when he said that tipping had gone too far when done for landlords and 7-Eleven clerks. Those last two would have been one-offs in some unusual situations.
Mr. Purcell further indicated that new check-out cash registers, with their array of possible tip amounts showing. shame the customers into tipping more than what they feel is necessary. The tip windows on the new registers should actually help, as they keep those paying the bill from holding up the line as they calculate what the tip should be.
Finally Mr. Purcell feels that fast-food employees getting tips is pushing things too far. As I see it, whether your food is served gourmet, short-order or fast-food, the process is the same. Someone is cooking the food for you and presenting it to you when it is ready. Everyone involved in this process should be rewarded with a gratuity based on the service provided.
This has become intrinsic in our way of life. One out of six Americans is involved in the food industry. It’s those of us at the tail end of the process who put it in our mouths. Try getting along without them.