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LETTER: Second Amendment even more important today

Perhaps unwittingly, Alfred Dushman in his June 2 letter makes the case for guns and the Second Amendment.

Mr. Dushman states that gun violence is out of control. No, violent criminals are out of control, particularly in the era of “defund the police,” a very stupid idea. He states that it is the responsibility of the government to keep us safe (personal safety starts with each and every one of us) and then states that the government at all levels has failed in this responsibility. Exactly. When millions of law-abiding Americans saw the un-restrained rioting and looting and burning and violence in many cities last summer, and the police were ordered to “stand down” by the very political leaders who have been elected to protect those Americans, it is no wonder that the sales of guns skyrocketed. The majority of gun sales were to women and first-time gun buyers.

Our Second Amendment rights are precious, and a lot of American blood has been spilled in wars to protect and preserve those rights. Mr. Dushman talks about “changing” the Second Amendment yet offers no ideas in that regard. Our brilliant Founding Fathers provided the mechanism by which to amend the Constitution. Always remember, the Constitution was written to restrain the government and create a limited government, not to restrain the people.

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