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LETTER: Bill would preserve the integrity of women’s athletics

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard has presented the Protect Women’s Sports Act not to hinder transgender people, but to ensure Title IX remains a strong tool to keep a fair playing field for women. Prior to 1972, when Title IX was passed, women had little access to coaches, fields, equipment or anything necessary to compete. Women’s sports were not provided practice times or uniforms, as they were deemed unnecessary. There were limited sports clubs or schedules.

Look at how strong, independent, bold and proud, women athletes are today. It is unfair to women to be expected to give up almost 50 years of development so that transgender athletes can scoop up all of the prizes. I’m not sure of the best solution, as I believe that all athletes should be allowed a place on the field. But I salute Rep. Gabbard’s attempt to keep things real and fair.

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LETTER: Utah lawsuit threatens the concept of public lands

A ruling in favor of Utah’s lawsuit would mark the end of public lands as we know them, opening the floodgates to every anti-public lands politician in the West to seize public lands by way of the courts.

LETTER: Kamala tries to stay in hiding

It is readily apparent that Ms. Harris does not like or handle spontaneous situations well.

LETTER: The real immigration debate

How should the U.S. go about crafting solutions to immigration that acknowledges the need to uphold our immigration laws while also trying to uphold the spirit of America that has always welcomed immigrants?

LETTER: Hectoring us on road safety

Why on earth do we allow these huge 18-wheelers in the left lanes of our freeways? That’s like having a speeding missile on your back bumper.

LETTER: The invective flies both ways

Where is your editorial on Donald Trump and JD Vance toning down the rhetoric? Or are you tone-deaf to their remarks?

LETTER: The Democratic ‘gift’ to America

What are the people of Springfield to do? Kamala Harris expects these poor citizens to somehow feed, shelter, clothe, medicate and educate the 20,000 uninvited.