LETTER: Some missives require a response
September 29, 2020 - 9:00 pm
I must comment on two letters to the editor in the Sept. 19 Review-Journal.
The writer of “Kneeling Knights” comments that the Vegas Golden Knights who kneeled during the national anthem and are now out of the playoffs “can all concentrate on the things that are really important to them like their perceived social injustices and their vilification of the police.” The writer doesn’t seem to understand the movement to address social injustice of minorities, or perhaps he just doesn’t care. The Golden Knights and many other sports teams have shown their solidarity in various ways before games in order to bring to light the need for improved social justice and equality. And remember that many of our professional athletes are minorities.
Also, in the letter “Air quality,” the writer bemoans the air qualify in California because it “failed to manage its forests, allowing fires to grow out of control.” Perhaps the writer doesn’t know that California controls only 3 percent of its forests. The federal government controls 57 percent and private owners 39 percent.