LETTER: Questions about the Clark County voting schedule
September 10, 2020 - 9:00 pm
Got my voting info postcard today from the Clark County Election Department. So let me see if I got this straight. I will get a mailed ballot for the general election whether I ask for it or not. When I vote and mail it, it must be postmarked by Nov. 3.
So Tuesday afternoon, Nov 3, on my way to the polling place to vote in person, I drop the mail-in ballot at the post office for the required postmark. At the polling place, they don’t know I just mailed my vote in, so I vote again. So I assume someone, somewhere, at some time will compare the demographics on the mailed ballot to that of in-person voter and “disqualify” one of the ballots. What if I voted for different people on the two ballots? Which one will count? And how long after voting day will this occur? Oh, and will I be arrested, charged, fined or otherwise penalized for voter fraud?
Something is wrong with this picture. Put on your mask — just like you did when you went to buy toilet paper — and go to the polls and vote in person.