LETTER: What is the end game for social justice ‘protesters’?
September 5, 2020 - 9:00 pm
All of these “woke” people out there are so proud of themselves because they post something on Facebook or other social media platforms on how they support BLM and the protester/rioters/looters in these progressive cities who are against “systemic racism.” However, I never seem to hear anyone define exactly what it is they don’t like about our country’s current handling of this issue and what it is they feel needs to be done to solve it.
When you protest — if that’s what you call what is going on — what do you want done so you can claim victory and go home? We already have laws to ensure equality and inclusion. If a few individuals ignore these rules, they should be handled appropriately. If some individuals endanger lives, they should be tried and, if found guilty, incarcerated.
Those NBA players who sat out one game did nothing. It is all a show. Look at me: I’m woke. Stop posting and do something.