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LETTER: Immigration searches near the border are perfectly reasonable

In response to the Review Journal’s Feb. 27 editorial on “immigration overreach”: I would say that vessels being “within a reasonable distance from any external boundary” constitute sufficient probable cause for a search, rendering said government actions “reasonable” under the Fourth Amendment and consequently not a constitutional violation.

It is rather quite reasonable and an extremely minor inconvenience to anyone legally residing in the United State, especially when compared to the various detrimental consequences — criminally and monetarily — of failing to prevent those who would otherwise violate our laws and disrespect us, our land, and our country by entering and residing here illegally.

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LETTER: The invective flies both ways

Where is your editorial on Donald Trump and JD Vance toning down the rhetoric? Or are you tone-deaf to their remarks?

LETTER: The Democratic ‘gift’ to America

What are the people of Springfield to do? Kamala Harris expects these poor citizens to somehow feed, shelter, clothe, medicate and educate the 20,000 uninvited.

LETTER: How about a Trump-Harris trade?

It appears to me that the vice president choices made by Donald Trump and Kamala Harris should be reversed.

LETTER: Nevadans overvaluing UNLV

People in Nevada have an inflated sense of UNLV’s credentials. The campus life of UNLV is disjointed and extremely untraditional, to say the least.

LETTER: Election season has an international feel to it

This year, the voting season promises to be a truly international event. Our friends from 162 countries have joined us thanks to the efforts of incumbent politicians.

LETTER: Tupperware falls victim to Bidenomics

It appears that Bidenomics/Kamalanomics has taken one of our country’s most well known products, Tupperware, into bankruptcy.

LETTER: The high price of Bidenomics

Review-Journal cartoonist Michael Ramirez deserves an A+ for his Monday cartoon that highlights “Bidenomics”.