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LETTER: Let’s not be so quick to give up our rights

In his Sept. 16 letter, Tehran Boldon wrote that if a gun is used in a crime, the person who sold it to a felon, mentally challenged person, a minor or others who can’t legally purchase a weapon should face prison time equal to the sentence of the perpetrator. Really? So when Mr. Boldon sells his car to a person who kills others in a DUI crash, he must face prison time equal to the perpetrator?

The law punishes the person who actually committed the crime, not the innocent person who had no criminal intent.

Many brave Americans fought and died in wars for our rights under the Second Amendment and the rest of the Bill of Rights. Mr. Boldon should not be in a hurry to give up those precious rights, rights that are inalienable and do not come from the government or the state, but rather from our basic rights as human beings.

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