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LETTER: Dangerous groupthink from Democratic presidential candidates

The chart that accompanied the Review-Journal’s Oct. 3 article, “Candidates offer their thoughts on gun control,” was a remarkable exposition of the groupthink that now controls the Democratic Party.

With only one “no” and one “unknown” among the 54 candidate responses to questions involving gun control, we are clearly dealing with a human version of the march of the lemmings looking to take this country right off a cliff into the abyss of statism.

Statism works in all its forms — including the cruel and vicious benevolent despotism of today’s Democratic Party. It isn’t statism or tyranny that is on the wrong side of history. It’s the concept of individual human liberty that is in serious doubt.

We live in a time when Benjamin Franklin’s warning about trading away liberty for safety and winding up with neither may very well be coming true.

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