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No sense of decency

I read “Tlaib campaign sells shirts for impeachment” in Saturday’s Review-Journal. Unfortunately the shirts have the same message as her earlier reference to President Donald Trump, “We’re gonna impeach the mother … ” Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., is offering these disgusting shirts to anyone who donates $29 or more to her re-election efforts. What’s next, an adult film for a $50 donation? Or a lap dance for $100 or more?

Is this the face of the Democratic Party now? Apparently, because not one Democrat in the House or Senate thought fit to show his or her disgust for this sleazy slogan. Her campaign manager even described it as “a fun item.” A fun item for whom? The children of our country?

Is this who you want representing the United States of America? Someone who would pander this sleaze for a few bucks? I, for one, wouldn’t even want this person selling burgers at a drive-thru window. Even these hardworking people have a sense of common decency.

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