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LETTER: Wasted space

I read with great interest about the Review-Journal’s attempt to sever the Joint Operating Agreement with the Las Vegas Sun, and all I could think is, it’s about time. If for no other reason than to help preserve the environment that they and their masters at The New York Times endlessly champion.

I read about several specific instances of shoddy reporting, but one of my main beefs with the useless Sun wasn’t mentioned; the endlessly recurring full page ad informing readers how to contact their elected officials. A complete waste of newsprint, ink, time, energy and money to inform the public of something my nine year old granddaughter could figure out in seconds with her cell phone.

I have subscribed to the RJ since arriving in Vegas in 1994. The RJ has been a valuable source of news and entertainment for me; I can’t say I have ever gotten anything from the Sun but perturbed by their left leaning and less than professional reporting.

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LETTER: Yes, Republicans want to ban abortion

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Consideration should be given to installing tire-shredding spikes at freeway exit ramps, preventing vehicles from entering from the wrong direction.

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The time for a new generation of leaders is now.