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LETTER: Las Vegas HOV lanes should become single-rider sanctuaries

Requiring high-occupancy vehicle lanes as a condition for federal funding to improve our highways is another example of misguided policy. Many people have proposed not enforcing federal immigration laws that they don’t agree with. So I propose we do the same for our HOV lanes.

Our governor and local officials should declare our HOV lanes a single-rider vehicle sanctuary. Individuals come to this country to escape dangerous and overcrowded conditions in their home countries. All I want to do is escape the dangerous and crowded conditions found in the regular lanes.

Many people feel the undocumented shouldn’t have to face legal consequences for their actions. Why should I be treated differently than an undocumented person for breaking a law I don’t agree with?

The idea that HOV lanes will change behavior in the future doesn’t address the problems we have now. I am a native Nevadan. I have a natural-born right to pay the lowest taxes in the country, to have access to free parking and to drive where I want to on roads that I paid for. It says so right there on my birth certificate.

The governor should free up the freeways for all of us. Direct the Nevada Highway Patrol to leave the HOV lanes alone. Sanctuary for us in the HOV lanes.

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