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LETTER: Can we survive?

Updated July 26, 2019 - 9:19 pm

It is amazing how President Donald Trump’s apologists can find ways to excuse this man who has brought dishonor and disgrace to the office of the presidency. He has violated his oath to uphold the Constitution by acting as if he is above the law and forgetting there are two other equal branches of government.

Yes, the economy has improved and regulations have been abolished or relaxed. But who has really benefited from these things? Almost 40 percent of Americans would have to struggle to get $400 to cover an emergency.

Mr. Trump has insulted our allies and cozied up to our enemies. He says he loves the North Korean leader who imprisons, tortures and starves his citizens. He praises and jokes with leaders who interfere with our elections and arrange for the murder of journalists who criticize them. Perhaps the president envies their ability to do these things and get away with them.

Congress, the media and we the people are responsible for allowing this man to get away with the chaos he has caused. It is time to stop ignoring the steady loss of values and traditions that we claim to hold dear as Americans. It will take time for the next president and his or her administration to clean up the horrendous mess Mr. Trump has left behind.

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