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Knights’ Ryan Reaves dishes out ‘reality checks’ on Las Vegas watering restrictions — VIDEO

Updated April 26, 2019 - 12:04 pm

The Southern Nevada Water Authority has called in some backup to remind people to follow mandatory summer watering restrictions — Golden Knights enforcer Ryan Reaves.

As part of a public service announcement with the SNWA, Ryan Reaves puts his fierce attitude to good use to help send a “friendly reminder” about the agency’s summer watering restrictions.

In a video to alert residents that there are “big fines” if you don’t adjust your watering clock, Reaves slams a homeowner into a wall to send him a friendly, “Ryan Reaves-style” reminder about his watering clock.

A second video shows Reaves shoving a homeowner through a window to remind him that there is no watering on Sundays or between 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.

“Reality check!” Reaves is heard yelling at a man who is watering his lawn in the video. “Vegas is enforcing water waste big time. No watering on Sundays or between 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.”

To find your seasonal watering schedule, visit changeyourclock.com.

Contact Caitlin Lilly at clilly@reviewjournal.com. Follow @caitielilly_ on Twitter.

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