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The Review-Journal’s Michael Ramirez has a fan

In response to Mary Ann Toth’s negative remarks about Michael Ramirez’s political cartoons (Nov. 1 letter to the editor):

I must say that I am impressed with his honest opinions expressed in a very direct way. Mr. Ramirez “calls ’em as he sees ’em,” and I am impressed with his honest evaluation of political matters. The fact that his depictions are sharp and pointed does not make them “mean and hateful.”

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LETTER: A mixed bag on the Secret Service

Heroic acts, but as for the idiot who surveyed the site and deemed the security adequate, you should be looking for a new job.

LETTER: War games

Let’s take care of Americans at home before spending money on proxy wars.

LETTER: Protesters supporting Hamas have been duped

It is impossible to explain protesting for Palestinians and not for innocent Ukrainians — unless the protesters are pawns of Putin or of terrorists.