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Question 6 on renewable energy would be good for Nevada

The 2018 ballot provides an opportunity for our state to continue to be a leader in renewable energy. Right now, Nevada’s renewable portfolio standard is at 25 percent, and voting “yes” on Question 6 would double that to 50 percent by 2030.

We all know Nevada is ripe for solar development and will continue to play an essential role in our energy portfolio. However, it’s important to recognize we also have wind resources that can contribute to our renewable energy goals. Not only is wind a reliable energy source, but when solar production decreases during the late afternoon and evening hours, wind speeds increase, which complements solar and provides grid and pricing stability.

Renewable energy standards continue to reduce our carbon footprint and improve our environment, but clean energy production also creates good-paying jobs and strengthens our economy. Throughout the United States, more than 105,000 Americans have careers in the wind industry and, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, wind techs and solar installers are the country’s two fastest-growing jobs.

Nevada can continue to be a self-sufficient leader in clean energy due to our natural supply of wind, solar and geothermal resources. Voting “yes” on 6 secures a cleaner and healthier future for Nevada and will spur economic development throughout the state.

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