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The cast of progressive characters lined up against Question 3

The cast of characters who want us to vote no on Question 3 is intriguing: teachers, firefighters, environmentalists, AARP.

AARP sticks its nose into any socialist/progressive issue to keep the annual dues rolling in. The unions are doing mutual back scratching for the electric workers.

A no vote is a green issue. The enviros already own the politicians. The pols write the legislation to mandate wind and solar energy. Long ago, the Public Utilities Commission guaranteed NV Energy a reasonable rate of return. NV Energy has no incentive to generate or purchase low-cost electricity.

Now we get a double whammy. Those bought-and-paid-for politicians also wrote the legislation that shut down coal-fired generators, which produce the low-cost electricity that competes with high-cost wind and solar. Of course, NV Energy is more than happy to comply. It makes the same reasonable profit if building up or tearing down.

Get the picture? Low-cost electricity disappears, replaced by high-cost wind and solar. Joe and Sally Sixpack’s electric bill has nowhere to go but up.

So who is the big winner in this charade? NV Energy? What we don’t see or hear is Berkshire Hathaway. Remember, Berkshire Hathaway owns NV Energy. It is controlled by Warren Buffett. Hard to imagine that traditional left-wing groups are spending their time, money and efforts to enrich Mr. Buffett. He is laughing all the way to the bank.

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