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Nevada’s Question 5 might make it easier for noncitizens to vote

Ryan Saunders’ Monday commentary regarding Question 5 was a good one, as far as it goes. One concern is not that this gives all citizens an easier way to register to vote, but that it also potentially gives noncitizens with Nevada-issued IDs an easy way to vote.

Right now you need only sign an unnotarized document saying you are a citizen. No one checks the validity of the document. I’m not sure how noncitizens get caught if they do vote.

It is estimated that 170,000 undocumented immigrants live in the Las Vegas metro area. The only way to make Question 5 work is to ensure only holders of IDs that are compliant with the Real ID Act get automatic voter registration. It should also be mandatory that the Real ID card be presented at the polling station to vote. This would ensure the credibility of election results, as stated in Mr. Saunders’ article.

Citizens without Real ID compliant ID cards can register to vote the current way, but they should have to prove their citizenship with more than a signature.

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