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Ralenkotter, Las Vegas tourism board accountable to no one

Retired Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority CEO Rossi Ralenkotter is the gift that keeps on taking. It appears to taxpayers that the LVCVA is a good ol’ boys club, using public tax dollars as a personal slush fund.

Last Monday’s front page article “Ex-LVCVA leader sought PTO payout” is an in-depth review of the extent of the malfeasance. Ralenkotter claimed in August that he never sought cashing out his PTO, when in fact he did exactly that, after using PTO but never reporting it. He used publicly funded travel cards for personal travel. Only after getting caught, did he pay it back. If this isn’t grand larceny or embezzlement, someone please define them for me.

Was North Las Vegas Mayor John Lee was the only adult on the LVCVA Board who thought anything was wrong? What about the other board members? Did they have their snouts in the public trough as well? We know at least one other board member used LVCVA travel cards for his own personal travel, then supposedly paid it back after getting caught. I’ve come to the conclusion that Las Vegas is a political cesspool, where the well-connected feel entitled to steal from taxpayers at will. There seems to be zero accountability, and zero transparency. When will taxpayers revolt?

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