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Gorman game highlights unfair edge

I watched with great interest as the Bishop Gorman High School football team took the field in Texas on Saturday night. Being a native Texan, I must admit I was hoping that this public school from south of Dallas would pull out a win against Coach Kenny Sanchez’s regionally recruited scholarship players. That said, I was summarily impressed with the execution, coaching and discipline of the Las Vegas team.

All of which begs the question; Why is a school that is able to draw players from all over the valley and beyond allowed to compete in a league of public institutions whose players are drawn only from the zones determined by the school board?

I’m all for private institutions and the opportunities they can provide for advanced education and competition. But how is it fair for the kids who play at this level on teams from their neighborhoods? What’s the message? Is it as simple as the team with the most money wins?

Chris Richardson

Las Vegas

Schools over stadium

When did Sheldon Adelson become the mayor, the governor or any one of the powers that run this town? Since when does one rich man dictate how taxes are generated and spent? Has everyone forgotten that our schools rank at the bottom in the country?

If Mr. Adelson doesn’t know what to do with his money, he might try investing in our school system by improving buildings, building more schools, raising teacher salaries and providing school supplies so teachers don’t have to buy them from their measly salaries. We do not need a stadium that will cost the public $750 million.

I implore the powers–that-be to step back and reconsider this “urgent” proposition. If the Oakland Raiders or anyone else are in such a hurry to move here, please don’t allow them to blackmail us into doing something we will long regret.

Sheila Morse


Gaming tax

To come up with the $750 million to build a new stadium, why can’t the state do something it has done only once in more than 30 years? Raise the gaming tax around ½ percentage point or more. The hotel casinos will benefit the most from all the out-of-town tourists who will come to watch all the games and events held there.

William Carey

Las Vegas

Trump’s evolution

The left-wing media are now accusing Donald Trump of flip-flopping on immigration. Remember when Barack Obama was against gay marriage, but later came out in favor of it? As I remember it, Mr. Obama said that his thinking had evolved. Yet the media had no harsh words at all for him.

I believe Mr. Obama’s first position was merely a ruse — that he wanted to push gay marriage all along as part of his “fundamental transformation” of America. Pretending at first to defend traditional marriage made him appear like a deep thinker.

Mr. Trump, too, is a contemplative man. But when he refines his thinking or clarifies his position, he is tagged with the derogatory term “flip-flopper.”

Owen Nelson

Las Vegas

Matter of focus

I must take issue with the recent letter from Linda Caterine, “Birth of ISIS.” She tries to blame President Barack Obama for the worst mistake ever made by a U.S. president.

First: If George W. Bush would have stayed out of Iraq, all the turmoil in that area would never have occurred. Second: Even after the invasion, he would not have abolished the Iraq military, which would have prevented any foreign enemy from invading their country.

Some folks need to face the reality that President Obama has done more for the United States than anyone in the past few eras. The focus should have been on Osama bin Laden, not Iraq. Guess where President Obama’s focus was?

Don Ellis


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