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Spend less to make up for parking fee

As a local who had enjoyed living here for almost 20 years, I’m tired of reading about all of the complaints concerning us having to now pay for parking. All you have to do is spend less when gambling, eating or drinking. Buy one less drink, spend $10 less on your slot play, don’t order the dessert at your favorite restaurant — it’s all in the math.

If we all did this for one year, parking would be free again. Follow the money.

Roger Eisenzopf

Las Vegas

Animal farm

There are no neon lights, slot machines or showgirls. There are monkeys, camels, kangaroos and a sloth (along with many other animals). But sadly, Roos N More is closing (“Moapa animal attraction Roos-N-More will soon be no more,” Dec. 9 Review-Journal).

Roos-N-More was fighting an uphill battle. The zoo made significant strides in four months. Yet every time Clark County Commissioner Marilyn Kirkpatrick visited the zoo, she provided a new list of must-have things. She obviously had a personal agenda.

County officials are supposed to work to support the entire community. Why couldn’t we fight for the zoo as hard as we do for a new casino or a hockey team? The town of Moapa will suffer financially; the zoo brought visitors to the community visiting their stores or restaurants.

The zookeepers gave their all — and then some. They cared for the animals and loved every one of them — even while working under the stressful conditions of the County Commission continually threatening to close them down. They provided education to groups of school children, Metro’s PAL kids, numerous private tours and open zoo days.

Now, some children will never see first-hand a sloth, feed a camel or pet a hissing cockroach.

This experience for them was priceless.

Tracie Malburg

Las Vegas

Old news

It appears that “fake news” — or what we used to call lies or spin — has become the new excuse, not just by the mainstream media but Hillary Clinton herself, to explain why she isn’t being coronated as queen on Jan. 20. In keeping with the bias that the mainstream media have practiced for the past two years in quest of this coronation, all this fake news is president-elect Donald Trump’s fault.

Just to level the playing field, let’s be honest and admit that all politicians are guilty of using fake news. The mainstream media won’t admit the Democrats are just as guilty as the Republicans when it comes to spouting fake news. But I’d like to give a few examples of fake news attributable to the Democrats.

How about Harry Reid’s fake news — on the Senate floor, no less — that Mitt Romney paid no income taxes? When called on it, Sen. Reid’s answer was, “He didn’t win, did he?” How about Hillary Clinton’s fake news that four Americans were killed in Benghazi by radical Islamic terrorists because of an online video, not because their request for an increase in security was ignored by the Clinton-run State Department? But what difference does it make?

How about Barack Obama’s fake news that Obamacare would save you $2,500 a year, and you could keep your own doctor? How about Nancy Pelosi’s fake news that Obamacare was affordable, affordable, affordable?

To use a great oxymoron, if you’re going to lie, be honest about it.

Kathleen M. Stone


High expenses

In her recent piece on part-time employment, Ana Swanson of The Washington Post misses one of the most important reason for this situation: Obamacare. Employers keep employee hours under a certain threshold to avoid the outlandish expense of the Affordable Care Act.

Robert E. Smith

Las Vegas

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