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R-J entertainment writers provide a fresh mental breeze

Too often, your entertainment writers go without reader comment and praise. In a show-centric town such as Las Vegas, they deserve support and reader feedback. Indeed, writers such as Jason Bracelin and John Katsilometes provide a fresh mental breeze.

Such refreshment came from Mr. Bracelin’s recent perceptive commentary on Paul Simon, as the latter retires from touring. I read with delight the critic’s assertion that, “Writing about Paul Simon can make you quit writing. He’s that great. Confessional without being prosaic, literary without being self-indulgent … he’s captured … human experience with seemingly bottomless wit and sincerity.”

Mr. Bracelin’s wonderful prose is as much keen perception as sheer poetry. Moreover, in a town where young entertainers need worthy role models, insightful review and hard-earned coverage, writing such as Mr. Bracelin’s is not only informative but inspirational.

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