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White men aren’t Donald Trump’s only supporters

In her Wednesday letter to the editor, Tracey Brice Howard suggests that only “white, privileged men” in America support President Donald Trump. That’s hardly true.

Many people support Mr. Trump because they like how he’s against MS-13 gang members and opposes “sanctuary cities.” Many people like his economic policies and tax cuts for workers, which have resulted in more take-home pay for most of us.

Many people appreciate how, under his watch, North Korea released three locked-up Americans. Many people love how he decided to strike back at ISIS instead of referring to them as a “JV” team, as President Barack Obama once did. Many people are thankful that, under Mr. Trump, unemployment among blacks and Hispanics is at the lowest level in years.

Turning Point USA’s Candace Owens, Kanye West, social media opinionatiors Diamond and Silk and many other blacks acknowledge President Trump’s accomplishments. Bravo.

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