The Right Take: Public Employees’ Retirement System Bill
The Right Take: Public Employees’ Retirement System Bill

David Parks and Joyce Woodhouse are each receiving six-figure pensions from the Public
Employees’ Retirement System. Now, they’re co-sponsoring a bill to prevent you from finding
out how much retirees like them will collect going forward.

Nevada Politics Today: Las Vegas City Council Ward 1 Candidate Dave Marlon
Nevada Politics Today: Las Vegas City Council Ward 1 Candidate Dave Marlon

It doesn’t makes sense for Las Vegas to spend millions in litigation fighting development at the Badlands golf course. One of the major root causes of homelessness is drug addiction. Las Vegas shouldn’t use rent control to rein in prices. That’s all according to Las Vegas City Council Ward 1 candidate Dave Marlon.

The Right take: NSEA warns Sisolak’s proposed budget could mean “layoffs, reductions in services, and even larger class sizes.” – VIDEO
The Right take: NSEA warns Sisolak’s proposed budget could mean “layoffs, reductions in services, and even larger class sizes.” – VIDEO

The implication of a revised funding formula is that school districts and
teachers will receive substantially more money. But revising the funding formula will only
rearrange who gets the existing money. In 2016, Nevada’s smallest five school districts received
less than $15 million in state funding. That’d barely be a rounding error in the Clark County
School District’s $2.4 billion budget.

The Right Take: Tax Increases Require 2/3rds Vote – VIDEO
The Right Take: Tax Increases Require 2/3rds Vote – VIDEO

Some Nevada Democrats aren’t satisfied with having a Democrat governor and large legislative
majorities. They also want to ignore the constitution to make it easier to raise taxes.

Republicans shouldn’t participate In union giveaways
Republicans shouldn’t participate In union giveaways

Democrats have full control in Carson City, and they’re eager to reward their union allies with power and costly perks. Gov. Steve Sisolak has already promised to give collective bargaining to state workers. Democrats are also eager to roll back the modest collective bargaining reforms passed in 2015. They pushed through a bill repealing those reforms in 2017, but then-governor Brian Sandoval vetoed it.

CCSD Covering Up Conduct From Top Officials
CCSD Covering Up Conduct From Top Officials

CCSD announced in May that it would hire attorney Robert Freeman to conduct an independent investigation into the hiring of Jason Wright. Wright is the husband of school board president Deanna Wright. He stands accused of physically assaulting children and the district has admitted that former superintendent personally intervened to help him get a job. Six months later, you’re paying Freeman’s bills but can’t see his findings.

The Right Take: Voter Fraud in North Carolina
The Right Take: Voter Fraud in North Carolina

In North Carolina, witnesses say that Leslie McCray Dowless Jr., a political consultant, paid people to pick up absentee ballots from voters. But what’s illegal in North Carolina — third parties collecting ballots — is legal in California.
It’s called “ballot harvesting.”

The Right Take: Donald Trump Tweets About Global Warming
The Right Take: Donald Trump Tweets About Global Warming

Donald Trump tweeted, “Brutal and Extended Cold Blast could shatter ALL RECORDS – Whatever happened to Global Warming?” The mainstream media respond with a collective smirk, lecturing the president on the difference between weather and climate. But the media only applies that standard to one side of the debate.

Nevada Politics Today: Malcolm Talks About FIRST STEP Act, Judicial Vacancies
Nevada Politics Today: Malcolm Talks About FIRST STEP Act, Judicial Vacancies

The FIRST STEP Act is currently before the Senate to help decrease recidivism rates. States that have passed similar measures have seen a decrease in crime. Conservatives also shouldn’t push Clarence Thomas to retire before President Donald Trump’s first term is over. That’s all according to John Malcom, a senior legal fellow with the Heritage Foundation.

Nevada Politics Today: John Malcolm talks about FIRST STEP Act, judicial vacancies
Nevada Politics Today: John Malcolm talks about FIRST STEP Act, judicial vacancies

The FIRST STEP Act is currently before the Senate to help decrease recidivism rates. States that have passed similar measures have seen a decrease in crime. Conservatives also shouldn’t push Clarence Thomas to retire before President Donald Trump’s first term is over. That’s all according to John Malcom, a senior legal fellow with the Heritage Foundation. (Las Vegas Review-Journal)

The Right Take: Teachers, firefighters facing PERS-induced pay cuts
The Right Take: Teachers, firefighters facing PERS-induced pay cuts

Yesterday, the Nevada’s Public Employees’ Retirement System increased next year’s
contribution rates for regular employees from 28 percent to 29.25 percent. The contribution rate
for police and fire employees is going from 40.5 percent to 42.5 percent. Employers and
employees split the contribution increases. This means government employees will see a drop in
take home pay while government agencies simultaneously experience cost increases.

The Right Take: Sisolak Cannot Implement background check initiative
The Right Take: Sisolak Cannot Implement background check initiative

Steve Sisolak is promising to use his new offices to implement Nevada’s stalled background
check initiative. He hasn’t said , however, how he’s going to do it. There’s a reason for that. He
can’t — unless he wants to weaken Nevada’s current background checks.

The Right Take: Halloween Costumes
The Right Take: Halloween Costumes

The scariest thing you’ll see this Halloween won’t be a costume. It’s the outrage mob on the
prowl looking for children who dare to dress up as someone who doesn’t share their skin tone.

Nevada Politics Today: Tao Details His Judicial Philosophy
Nevada Politics Today: Tao Details His Judicial Philosophy

Appeals Court Judge Jerry Tao said he’s running for the Nevada Supreme Court, because “we need to be faithful to the words of the statute and the constitution.” Tao also said his judicial philosophy is what earned him an endorsement from the NRA. He also decried as “frivolous” an ethics complaint filed against him for describing the Nevada Supreme Court as liberal.

Laxalt Talks About His Plans for Health Care, Economic Development
Laxalt Talks About His Plans for Health Care, Economic Development

Nevada should institute work requirements for adults who can work and encourage doctors to come and remain in Nevada, according to Republican gubernatorial candidate and attorney general Adam Laxalt. He also thinks Nevada should focus its economic development efforts on removing barriers to entry, instead of providing tax breaks to select companies.

Laxalt Discusses his Education Plan and Why he Won’t Repeal the Commerce Tax
Laxalt Discusses his Education Plan and Why he Won’t Repeal the Commerce Tax

Nevada education needs more money combined with accountability, but it’s too early to promise funding for Education Savings Accounts. There also isn’t a way to repeal the commerce tax next legislative session and a gubernatorial debate isn’t happening after Steve Sisolak rejected an invitation to debate on statewide TV. That’s according to Republican gubernatorial candidate and current Nevada attorney general Adam Laxalt.

The Right Take: Sisolak’s Position on Taxes
The Right Take: Sisolak’s Position on Taxes

Election Day is a month away, and Steve Sisolak has offered almost nothing specific about what policies he’d pursue if elected.

The Right Take: Brett Kavanaugh
The Right Take: Brett Kavanaugh

Two women have recently accused Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting them over three decades ago. Their allegations aren’t just unverified. Numerous supposed eyewitnesses have directly contradicted them.

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