The Right Take: Gun Control
The Right Take: Gun Control

A liberal, pro-gun control Senator from California just offered much-needed perspective on the Las Vegas Strip shooting. Gun-rights supporters couldn’t have said it better if they tried (Victor Joecks)

The Right Take: Skorkowsky’s Exit Shows Problems
The Right Take: Skorkowsky’s Exit Shows Problems

It’s hard to believe now, but union leaders once praised the selection of Pat Skorkowsky as superintendent of the Clark County School District Superintendent. (Victor Joecks)

The Right Take: Democrats and DACA
The Right Take: Democrats and DACA

Democrats seeking political gain are now the biggest barrier to legal status for those who registered with Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. (Victor Joecks)

The Right Take: CCSD Budget Crisis
The Right Take: CCSD Budget Crisis

The budget crisis facing the Clark County School District was so easy to see coming, Superintendent Pat Skorkowsky predicted it just 19 months ago. (Victor Joecks)

The Right Take: Separation of Powers
The Right Take: Separation of Powers

Having a supervisor approve pay increases is a basic accountability measure. No wonder so many Nevada politicians want to bypass the government-version of that, called the separation of powers. (Victor Joecks)