The Right Take: Democrats don’t believe their own rhetoric or they want children to die
The Right Take: Democrats don’t believe their own rhetoric or they want children to die

On Thursday, the House passed a temporary spending measure and six years of funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program. Although Republicans have a slim majority in the Senate, Senate rules require a spending bill to get 60 votes. This gives Democrats the power to shut down the government, which they look eager to do. Democrats in both houses want protections for illegal aliens brought to the U.S. as children.

The Right Take: Nevada has a strong public records law
The Right Take: Nevada has a strong public records law

The law states that giving the public access to government records “foster(s) democratic principles.” That’s strong rhetoric and rightly so. Government officials work for the public. That makes members of the public, the boss. One of your rights as a supervisor is to know what your employees are doing. Too often they refuse.

The Right Take: Time For Republicans To Play Hardball On DACA
The Right Take: Time For Republicans To Play Hardball On DACA

In the Art of the Deal, Donald Trump writes, “Leverage: don’t make deals without it.”
Republicans have plenty of leverage in the stalled negotiations over passing a new version of the
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. It’s time for them to quit negotiating with Democrats
and use it.

The Right Take: Pence comes to Nevada to boost Heller
The Right Take: Pence comes to Nevada to boost Heller

On Thursday, Pence offered remarks at two Air Force events, accompanied by Sen. Dean Heller and attorney general Adam Laxalt. Pence acknowledged Laxalt, but went out of his way to praise Heller.

Title: The Right Take: Tax Increases
Title: The Right Take: Tax Increases

Clark County residents have endured over a dozen tax increases, including increases in the sales tax, property tax, car tab tax and gas tax. There was also the creation of a new gross receipts tax called the commerce tax. That’s on top of dozens of fee increases based by Carson City.

The Right Take: Voter Information Public
The Right Take: Voter Information Public

Last year, President Donald Trump’s election integrity commission asked Nevada for voter information. Secretary of State Barbara Cegavske gave the commission, which Trump disbanded Wednesday, the information state law required her to release, but not things like Social Security Numbers.

The Right Take: CCSD Teetering On Verge Of Insolvency
The Right Take: CCSD Teetering On Verge Of Insolvency

If you thought the Clark County School District’s budget problems were over, think again. An
unelected, unaccountable, out-of- state arbitrator could leave CCSD without enough money to
pay its bills.

The Right Take: Recalls against Sens. Joyce Woodhouse and Nicole Cannizzaro
The Right Take: Recalls against Sens. Joyce Woodhouse and Nicole Cannizzaro

For start to finish, the recall of an elected official in Nevada is supposed to take just over 120 days. Four months after the start of recalls against Sens. Joyce Woodhouse and Nicole Cannizzaro, however, it looks like the process isn’t even half over.

The Right Take: Dem VP selects black woman for leadership roles
The Right Take: Dem VP selects black woman for leadership roles

This summer, Democrats elected Erika Washington, an African-American woman, to CCDP’s number two spot. One of her jobs was to fill CCDP’s Political Organizing Committee, which works on voter outreach and mobilization. Washington selected three African-American women
to serve. That wasn’t acceptable to West, a white woman, because it would put too many black women on the 13 member committee.

Victor Joecks: The Right Take
Victor Joecks: The Right Take

Ten days ago, Buzzfeed reported that Kihuen’s former finance director had accused him of sexually harassing her and touching her thigh twice in early 2016. Identified by her first name, Samantha, who was 25, says then-candidate Kihuen asked her for sex, and she rejected her advances. Disgusted by his behavior, Samantha quit the campaign and told the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee why she was quitting.

The Right Take: CCSD considering radical transgender policy
The Right Take: CCSD considering radical transgender policy

Over the last week, CCSD has conducted five community meetings on the proposal. Transgender students have shared stories of being bullied at school in their push for the policy. But Nevada already has one of the most aggressive anti-bullying laws in the country. This includes a requirement that an investigation into bullying occur within one day.

The Right Take: Amazon Coming To Vegas Would Hurt CCSD
The Right Take: Amazon Coming To Vegas Would Hurt CCSD

If you think the Clark County School District has budget problems now, imagine how bad it’ll be if Amazon selects Las Vegas as the site of its second headquarters.

The Right Take: Photo emerges of Dem Sen. groping woman
The Right Take: Photo emerges of Dem Sen. groping woman

On Thursday, radio host Leeann Tweeden accused Sen. Al Franken of kissing and groping her without her consent. Tweeden says the misdeeds happened in 2006 on a USO tour, and she posted a picture showing Franken grabbing her breasts while she slept on a military plane.

The Right Take: Democrat Desperation to Defeat Recalls Leads to Lies
The Right Take: Democrat Desperation to Defeat Recalls Leads to Lies

The Secretary of State’s office has determined that the recall against Sen. Joyce Woodhouse, D- Henderson, has qualified. But Democrats believe the law gives them a window to go to voters who signed the petition and get those voters to withdraw the signatures.

The Right Take: School choice is always available to affluent parents
The Right Take: School choice is always available to affluent parents

Rich parents select their neighborhoods based on area schools and can afford private schools, if needed. White didn’t have those options. White and her daughter originally wanted an Education Savings Account, which Nevada’s legislature passed in 2015.

The Right Take: Texas Shooting
The Right Take: Texas Shooting

Victor Joecks gives his take on the Democrats response to the shooting in Texas.

The Right Take: Gov. Brian Sandoval endangers his legislative victories
The Right Take: Gov. Brian Sandoval endangers his legislative victories

The best thing Gov. Brian Sandoval can do to preserve his legislative accomplishments is to quit defending them. Attorney General Adam Laxalt’s announcement Wednesday that he’s running to replace Sandoval as Governor made official what’s been obvious for months. It’s also obvious that Laxalt is more conservative than Sandoval.

The Right Take: Roberson launches anti-sanctuary cities initiative
The Right Take: Roberson launches anti-sanctuary cities initiative

On Monday, a pac chaired by Sen. Majority Leader Michael Roberson filed an initiative to amend Nevada’s constitution to prevent sanctuary cities. The initiative would prevent Nevada elected officials from enacting a law that “prohibits, limits or discourages cooperation” with the enforcement of U.S. immigration laws. Sanctuary cities—or in California’s case, a sanctuary state—refuse to tell federal immigration authorities when they have arrested or are about to release an illegal immigrant.

The Right Take: Obamacare’s Marketplace opens 2018 enrollment
The Right Take: Obamacare’s Marketplace opens 2018 enrollment

Finding out exactly how much Obamacare has increased your insurance costs may give you a heart attack. It’s certainly going to flatline your wallet. Wednesday is the first day to buy 2018 health insurance coverage on Obamacare’s Marketplace. You’ve probably heard that premiums in Nevada are going up by an average of 36.8 percent from 2017.

The Right Take: CCSD discussing transgender policy
The Right Take: CCSD discussing transgender policy

The Clark County School District is currently holding private meetings to discuss implementing a district-wide policy on transgender students. That should concern every parent who thinks having boy private parts makes you a boy.

The Right Take: Gunman Prevents Kidnapping
The Right Take: Gunman Prevents Kidnapping

It was habit, not heroism, that caused Justin Pearson to grab his gun. But seconds later, that weapon enabled Pearson to stop a kidnapping taking place just outside his Las Vegas home on October 5.

The Right Take: Gun Control and Democrats
The Right Take: Gun Control and Democrats

It was entirely predictable that democrats would use the horrific Las Vegas Strip shooting to push for gun control. What’s shocking is how far they want to go.

The Right Take: Las Vegas 51s
The Right Take: Las Vegas 51s

In 2013, local investors bought the Las Vegas 51s, a minor league baseball team, for $20 million. on Tuesday, the Las Vegas convention and visitors authority paid a whopping $80 million for 20 years of naming rights for a new 51s stadium going up in Summerlin.