The Right Take: Tax Increases Require 2/3rds Vote – VIDEO
The Right Take: Tax Increases Require 2/3rds Vote – VIDEO

Some Nevada Democrats aren’t satisfied with having a Democrat governor and large legislative
majorities. They also want to ignore the constitution to make it easier to raise taxes.

Trump Slams Amazon for Not Paying Enough in Taxes
Trump Slams Amazon for Not Paying Enough in Taxes

Trump Slams Amazon for Not Paying Enough in Taxes Trump tweeted his concerns about the company on Thursday. This isn’t the first time Trump commented on the issues via Twitter. August 2017 December 2017 Amazon did hold back on paying state taxes in 1995, but the company has been routinely collecting state sales taxes since then. In 2016, the company’s report from the Securities and Exchange Commission confirmed it paid $412 million in taxes.

Nevada Politics Today: Dean Heller
Nevada Politics Today: Dean Heller

Victor Joecks Interviews Republican U.S. Senator Dean Heller about DACA, the Raiders stadium, Tarkanian and tax reform.

Nevada Politics Today: Dean Heller
Nevada Politics Today: Dean Heller

Victor Joecks Interviews Republican U.S. Senator Dean Heller about DACA, the Raiders stadium, Tarkanian and tax reform.