Cortez Masto, Rosen For Infanticide – VIDEO
Cortez Masto, Rosen For Infanticide – VIDEO

If an abortionist — armed with scissors, clamps and a vacuum cleaner — can’t kill a baby while she’s still in the womb, he shouldn’t get another chance after she’s born. Catherine Cortez Masto and Jacky Rosen disagree.

Democrats Support Border Walls For Themselves (The Right Take) – VIDEO
Democrats Support Border Walls For Themselves (The Right Take) – VIDEO

President Donald Trump and congressional Democrats remain at an impasse over wall funding as the government shutdown reaches the end of its second week. Trump insists on a physical barrier to secure the Southern border. Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto said a wall would be “ineffective.”

The Right Take: Mass Shootings And Gun Control
The Right Take: Mass Shootings And Gun Control

After every mass shooting, elected Democrats and their allies in the media tell Americans to “do something.” The response to Wednesday’s horrific shooting in Florida has been no different.

The Right Take: Mass Shootings And Gun Control
The Right Take: Mass Shootings And Gun Control

After every mass shooting, elected Democrats and their allies in the media tell Americans to “do something.” The response to Wednesday’s horrific shooting in Florida has been no different.

The Right Take: Trump offered amnesty for 1.8 million
The Right Take: Trump offered amnesty for 1.8 million

For years, Democrats have sought permanent protections for illegal aliens who came to the United States as children. Trump’s plan offers that and not just for the 690,000 who signed up
for DACA. He’s offering legal status and a path to citizenship for 1.8 million illegal
immigrations who came to the U.S. as children.