Robert Uithoven On What Happened To Nevada Republicans
Robert Uithoven On What Happened To Nevada Republicans

Record Democrat turnout doomed Nevada Republican candidates in last month’s election. That turnout was driven, in part, by the left’s dislike for President Donald Trump. Trump’s campaign needs to make an early investment in Nevada to be competitive in 2020. That’s all according to Robert Uithoven, a Republican political consultant.

The Right Take: Migrant Caravan Attempts to Cross U.S. Border
The Right Take: Migrant Caravan Attempts to Cross U.S. Border

Migrant Caravan attempted to cross the U.S. border in a “violent manner” by throwing projectiles at border patrol agents. Columnist Victor Joecks goes over how the mainstream media shows its liberal bias by making the incident a national headline.

Bill Dentzer three big takeaways from 2018 election
Bill Dentzer three big takeaways from 2018 election

Nevada Politics 2018: This midterm election may have long ranging impact to the Nevada Republican party. Bill Dentzer, Review-Journal political reporter discusses how the Trump message may have impacted the outcome. Plus, why did it take so long to release vote totals? Will the state make changes to voting procedures?

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