Lysol maker issues warning not to drink their cleaning products – VIDEO
Lysol maker issues warning not to drink their cleaning products – VIDEO

Reckitt Benckiser, the company that makes Lysol and Dettol, is warning customers not to ingest its cleaning products after President Trump suggested that ingesting disinfectants could help protect people against the coronavirus. (Las Vegas Review-Journal)

Trump met with Brazilian official who has tested positive for coronavirus – VIDEO
Trump met with Brazilian official who has tested positive for coronavirus – VIDEO

Brazilian communications chief Fábio Wajngarten visited with President Donald Trump on Saturday at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in West Palm Beach, Florida. Brazil’s government confirmed that Wajngarten has tested positive for the coronavirus on Thursday. (Las Vegas Review-Journal)

Tom Steyer on Trump Impeachment and Climate Change – Video
Tom Steyer on Trump Impeachment and Climate Change – Video

Tom Steyer talks about how climate change is his number one priority if elected president, how the current way the government is run is broken and how he was the first candidate on stage to suggest impeached President Donald Trump.

The Right Take: Donald Trump Tweets About Global Warming
The Right Take: Donald Trump Tweets About Global Warming

Donald Trump tweeted, “Brutal and Extended Cold Blast could shatter ALL RECORDS – Whatever happened to Global Warming?” The mainstream media respond with a collective smirk, lecturing the president on the difference between weather and climate. But the media only applies that standard to one side of the debate.

Midterm Election Preview
Midterm Election Preview

Las Vegas Review-Journal White House Correspondent Deborah Saunders discusses 2018 midterm election and why President Donald Trump is fighting so hard to keep the Republican majority in the U.S. Senate.

Nevada Politics Today: Brett Kavanaugh And Trump
Nevada Politics Today: Brett Kavanaugh And Trump

Nevada Politics Today host Victor Joecks and Review-Journal columnist Debra J Saunders talk about Brett Kavanaugh and Trumps visit to Nevada.

Nevada Politics Today: Brett Kavanaugh And Trump
Nevada Politics Today: Brett Kavanaugh And Trump

Nevada Politics Today host Victor Joecks and Review-Journal columnist Debra J Saunders talk about Brett Kavanaugh and Trumps visit to Nevada.

The Right Take: Democrats Care More About Politics Than Immigrant Families
The Right Take: Democrats Care More About Politics Than Immigrant Families

Democrats are already positioning themselves to vote down a law that would stop the separation
of illegal immigrant parents and children. Remember this the next time you see liberals compare
President Donald Trump and his administration to Nazis on this issue.

Nevada Politics Today: Zac Moyle
Nevada Politics Today: Zac Moyle

Nevada Politics Today video host Victor Joecks sits down with political consultant, Zac Moyle to discuss the 2018 primary election results.

The Right Take: Trump calls MS-13 members ‘animals’
The Right Take: Trump calls MS-13 members ‘animals’

Last week, President Donald Trump hosted a summit with California law enforcement officers to discuss the dangers the state’s “sanctuary” policies. During Q&A, Fresno County sheriff Margaret Mims worried about the sanctuary law preventing her from telling federal officials that
she had a MS-13 gang member in custody.

Stormy Daniels sues President Trump, alleges defamation
Stormy Daniels sues President Trump, alleges defamation

On Monday, Stormy Daniels filed a defamation lawsuit against President Donald Trump in federal court in New York. The complaint stems from one of Trump’s tweets. According to Time, the court filing claims the tweet was “false and defamatory.”

Paris Wade discusses his “Liberty Writers” website
Paris Wade discusses his “Liberty Writers” website

Paris Wade, who made national headlines for operating the “Liberty Writers” website and boasts about getting President Donald Trump elected in 2016, speaks during an interview with the Las Vegas Review-Journal on Friday, April 20, 2018, in Las Vegas. Wade is running for Nevada Assembly. Bizuayehu Tesfaye/Las Vegas Review-Journal @bizutesfaye

The Right Take: Trump offered amnesty for 1.8 million
The Right Take: Trump offered amnesty for 1.8 million

For years, Democrats have sought permanent protections for illegal aliens who came to the United States as children. Trump’s plan offers that and not just for the 690,000 who signed up
for DACA. He’s offering legal status and a path to citizenship for 1.8 million illegal
immigrations who came to the U.S. as children.

The Right Take: Time For Republicans To Play Hardball On DACA
The Right Take: Time For Republicans To Play Hardball On DACA

In the Art of the Deal, Donald Trump writes, “Leverage: don’t make deals without it.”
Republicans have plenty of leverage in the stalled negotiations over passing a new version of the
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. It’s time for them to quit negotiating with Democrats
and use it.

The Right Take: Pence comes to Nevada to boost Heller
The Right Take: Pence comes to Nevada to boost Heller

On Thursday, Pence offered remarks at two Air Force events, accompanied by Sen. Dean Heller and attorney general Adam Laxalt. Pence acknowledged Laxalt, but went out of his way to praise Heller.

Title: The Right Take: Tax Increases
Title: The Right Take: Tax Increases

Clark County residents have endured over a dozen tax increases, including increases in the sales tax, property tax, car tab tax and gas tax. There was also the creation of a new gross receipts tax called the commerce tax. That’s on top of dozens of fee increases based by Carson City.

Tarkanian believes Trump wants him to beat Heller in GOP primary
Tarkanian believes Trump wants him to beat Heller in GOP primary

Danny Tarkanian believes President Donald Trump wants him to beat Sen. Dean Heller in Nevada’s Republican primary. Tarkanian isn’t counting on an endorsement, however, because he knows Trump needs Heller’s vote to pass legislation. Tarkanian made his comments Wednesday on’s “Nevada Politics Today.” “President Trump needs Dean Heller’s support on other bills that he’s trying to pass, so it’d be pretty unrealistic to think that he’s trying to come out and attack Dean Heller now, while he’s still waiting for the votes to come through,” Tarkanian said.