Nevada Rep. Horsford admits to having affair – VIDEO
Nevada Rep. Horsford admits to having affair – VIDEO

Nevada Congressman Steven Horsford admitted to having an affair with Gabriela Linder, a former intern for Sen. Harry Reid. Linder detailed her account of the affair in a podcast she called, “Mistress for Congress.” (Heidi Fang/Las Vegas Review-Journal)

Sisolak reacts to Goodman CNN interview- VIDEO
Sisolak reacts to Goodman CNN interview- VIDEO

Las Vegas Mayor Carolyn Goodman repeated her call to immediately reopen businesses during an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Wednesday, leading to a reaction from Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak. (James Schaeffer / Las Vegas Review-Journal)

Sisolak praises Nevadans for staying at home, saving lives – VIDEO
Sisolak praises Nevadans for staying at home, saving lives – VIDEO

Gov. Steve Sisolak said Thursday it’s still too early to know when the state’s COVID-19 shutdown orders could be lifted or when businesses could start to reopen their doors. (James Schaeffer / Las Vegas Review-Journal)

Trump gives governors 3-phase approach to open US – VIDEO
Trump gives governors 3-phase approach to open US – VIDEO

President Donald Trump declared victory in America’s war against the “invisible enemy” as the president’s Coronavirus Task Force released “Opening up America Again” guidelines. (James Schaeffer / Las Vegas Review-Journal)

Democratic National Convention postponed – VIDEO
Democratic National Convention postponed – VIDEO

The Democratic National Convention was set to take place over four days in the middle of July. Democratic officials have now confirmed the convention will take place the week of Aug. 17. (Las Vegas Review-Journal)

Judicial Department 5 Debate – Video
Judicial Department 5 Debate – Video

The Las Vegas Review-Journal hosts a debate between the 3 candidates running for Department 5 in Clark County District Court. Participating are Veronica M. Barisich, Terry A. Coffing and Blair Cowan Parker.

MSNBC’s Chris Matthews resigns following series of controversies – VIDEO
MSNBC’s Chris Matthews resigns following series of controversies – VIDEO

The “Hardball” host announced his departure Monday night, March 2, 2020, effective immediately. The anchor recently came under fire for comparing Sen. Bernie Sanders’ victory in the Nevada caucasus to the
Nazi conquest of France in 1940. (Las Vegas Review-Journal)

Amy Klobuchar drops out of 2020 presidential race – VIDEO
Amy Klobuchar drops out of 2020 presidential race – VIDEO

On March 2, campaign officials announced Amy Klobuchar’s decision to suspend her presidential bid. The news comes on the eve of Super Tuesday and just one day after Pete Buttigieg also announced his decision to depart from the race. (Las Vegas Review-Journal)

Activist shouts warnings at Nevada Democratic chairman’s home – VIDEO
Activist shouts warnings at Nevada Democratic chairman’s home – VIDEO

A Southern California activist and supporter of Sen. Bernie Sanders spent nearly an hour shouting warnings and condemnations of the Democratic Party through a megaphone at the home of Nevada Democratic Party Chairman William McCurdy II on the eve of last week’s presidential caucuses, prompting him to call the police. (Maria Estrada)

The Nevada caucus in photos
The Nevada caucus in photos

Best shots from the Review-Journal photo staff’s coverage of the Nevada Caucus, Saturday, February 22, 2020.

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