Nevada Politics Today: John Malcolm talks about FIRST STEP Act, judicial vacancies
Nevada Politics Today: John Malcolm talks about FIRST STEP Act, judicial vacancies

The FIRST STEP Act is currently before the Senate to help decrease recidivism rates. States that have passed similar measures have seen a decrease in crime. Conservatives also shouldn’t push Clarence Thomas to retire before President Donald Trump’s first term is over. That’s all according to John Malcom, a senior legal fellow with the Heritage Foundation. (Las Vegas Review-Journal)

The Right Take: School choice helps poor families
The Right Take: School choice helps poor families

Sitting in her Clark High School math class, Daniela Lopez longed to go to a private school. There was just one, seemingly insurmountable problem. Her family couldn’t afford it. Thanks to school choice, they didn’t have to. Fortunately for Lopez, Gov. Brian Sandoval and legislative Republicans passed the OpportunityScholarship program in 2015.