NFL Players Union Files Grievance Over Kneeling Mandate
NFL Players Union Files Grievance Over Kneeling Mandate

NFL Players Union Files Grievance Over Kneeling Mandate On Tuesday, the NFL Players Association filed a grievance against the league, arguing that the kneeling policy infringes on players’ rights. NFLPA, via Twitter The new policy was mandated in May, and called for players to “ stand and show respect for the flag and the Anthem.” If not, they are to retreat to the locker rooms, and wait until the anthem is over. NFL commissioner Roger Goodell, via CNN The kneeling protests were started in 2016 by former San Francisco 49ers player
Colin Kaepernick and went on to become a
hot topic in political and
cultural debates across
the country. Kaepernick has also filed a grievance against the NFL, suspecting he is being blacklisted and kept as a free agent due to the protests.

NFL Unveils its National Anthem Policy
NFL Unveils its National Anthem Policy

NFL Unveils its National Anthem Policy The NFL released the revised policy on Wednesday after the controversy surrounding kneeling protests. NFLPA NFLPA The mandate requires players who choose not to stand to stay in the locker room or a similar location. The league will also exercise its right to fine any franchise that does not stand and “show respect” for the Anthem. Former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick headed the kneeling protests in 2016, with many NFL teams following suit to date.