Black Lives Matter protest at the Las Vegas Strip
Black Lives Matter protest at the Las Vegas Strip

Protesters with Black Lives Matter took to the Strip on Friday in one of many demonstrations that have occurred in U.S. cities since a handcuffed black man died in Minneapolis police custody on Monday.

Prince death investigation coming to an end
Prince death investigation coming to an end

Prosecutors in Minnesota plan an announcement Thursday on the two-year investigation into Prince’s death from a drug overdose
Prince was 57 when he was found alone and unresponsive in an elevator at his Paisley Park estate on April 21, 2016. An autopsy found he died of an accidental overdose of fentanyl.
Search warrants unsealed about a year after Prince died showed that authorities searched his home, cellphone records of associates and his email accounts to try to determine how he got the drug. The county attorney has scheduled a morning announcement at which time charges could be filed.