Minimum-wage workers can’t afford Las Vegas rents, study shows
Minimum-wage workers can’t afford Las Vegas rents, study shows

To afford renting a typical one-bedroom apartment in Las Vegas, a minimum-wage worker without health benefits would need to clock 73 hours a week. Nevada’s minimum wage is $8.25 per hour for employees who are not offered health benefits, and $7.25 an hour for those who do receive benefits. “It’s clear that the minimum wage is not a livable wage,” said Andrew Aurand, vice president for research at NLIHC. In Las Vegas, a resident working 40 hours a week would need to make an hourly wage of $18.71 to afford a two-bedroom apartment.

Walmart Boosts Minimum Wage to $11, Gives Out Bonuses to Employees
Walmart Boosts Minimum Wage to $11, Gives Out Bonuses to Employees

Walmart Boosts Minimum Wage to $11,
Gives Out Bonuses to Employees Walmart gave credit to President Trump’s
tax cut for enabling the move. Doug McMillan, Walmart CEO Doug McMillan, Walmart CEO The big-box store chain hit the jackpot, with the corporate tax cut coming all the way down to 21 percent from 35 percent. Walmart will also pay a one-time cash bonus to eligible employees of as much as $1,000. Bonuses will be determined by the length of an employee’s tenure with the store. The wage increase will go into effect as soon as February and add about $300 million in costs to what Walmart was already planning for the upcoming fiscal year.