While many likely already assume that Las Vegas is home to some of the best bars in the country, a new list from a national outlet is confirming that thought.
City of North Las Vegas Fire Dept. hosts open house to learn about fire & safety
The average for gasoline in Nevada is now 89-cents higher than the national average, according to data from AAA.
Here are a couple of websites you can use to look for discounted internet.
Jim Jeffries is in town, as well as Texas Meltz is offering buy one get one for National Sandwich month, and finally The Strat is giving buy one get one for their thrill rides.
As the deadly coronavirus outbreak spreads, you must take measures to protect yourself. Avoid these sixhandwashing errors to prevent spreading the virus. (Las Vegas Review-Journal)
As the deadly coronavirus outbreak spreads, you must take measures to protect yourself. Avoid these 6 handwashing errors to prevent spreading the virus. (Las Vegas Review-Journal)
Robin Leach, the longtime famed celebrity journalist and Las Vegas Review-Journal columnist, suffered a transient ischemic attack, also known as a TIA or “mini-stroke.” The incident began last Tuesday while the 76-year-old Leach was vacationing in Cabo San Lucas. Leach was taken to the St. Rose Dominican Siena ICU immediately upon his return, where he remained until Monday afternoon, when he was transferred to the hospital’s Lima Rehab Facility in Henderson. Leach said he told the medical staff Monday afternoon that he was eager to return to full-time work.
Three cups of coffee a day
keep the doctor away? Researchers from Southampton and Edinburgh universities said that drinking three cups of coffee a day can reduce the risk of premature death, heart disease, liver disease, liver cancer and cirrhosis. The study confirms that pregnant women should not consume coffee as it could be harmful. Despite the positive outcomes of the study, the researchers warned that people should not start drinking coffee for health reasons, as their review included mainly observational data, and no firm conclusions could be drawn about cause and effect.