Bump stock manufacturers under fire
Bump stock manufacturers under fire

The Justice Department said last month that it had started the process to amend federal firearms regulations to clarify that federal law defines bump stocks as machine guns.

The Right Take: Gun Control
The Right Take: Gun Control

A liberal, pro-gun control Senator from California just offered much-needed perspective on the Las Vegas Strip shooting. Gun-rights supporters couldn’t have said it better if they tried (Victor Joecks)

Statewide campaign for background checks launched today in Las Vegas
Statewide campaign for background checks launched today in Las Vegas

Nevadans for Background Checks on Monday launched a statewide campaign to gather signatures for a proposed 2016 ballot initiative to expand required background checks to all gun sales in Nevada, with certain exceptions.

Backers included religious and law enforcement leaders as well as state Sen. Justin Jones, D-Las Vegas, who sponsored similar expanded gun background check legislation in the 2013 session.