Denis details his plans, goals for Nevada education – Nevada Politics Today
Denis details his plans, goals for Nevada education – Nevada Politics Today

The top priority for Nevada education is overhauling the Nevada Plan. There isn’t going to be a tax hike to fully implement weighted funding, and Read by 3 needs to be modified. That’s all according to Sen. Mo Denis, who will chair the Senate Education Committee. Denis also said he doesn’t now support extending $20 million in tax credits for the Opportunity Scholarship program.

The Right Take: Why is CCSD out of money?
The Right Take: Why is CCSD out of money?

Nevada’s education establishment hopes you’re bad at history. Otherwise, you’ll identify what’s missing in its push for more funding.

The Right Take: Sandoval leave a moderate legacy
The Right Take: Sandoval leave a moderate legacy

Sandoval is a moderate, and the policies he’s leaving behind reflect that. Republicans unexpectedly took control of both houses in 2015. Sandoval had a chance to replicate Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and fundamentally change Nevada policy and politics. Sandoval did neither.

The Right Take: School choice helps poor families
The Right Take: School choice helps poor families

Sitting in her Clark High School math class, Daniela Lopez longed to go to a private school. There was just one, seemingly insurmountable problem. Her family couldn’t afford it. Thanks to school choice, they didn’t have to. Fortunately for Lopez, Gov. Brian Sandoval and legislative Republicans passed the OpportunityScholarship program in 2015.

Raiders launch work on stadium in Las Vegas
Raiders launch work on stadium in Las Vegas

The Raiders held a groundbreaking event at the planned Las Vegas stadium site at Interstate 15 and Russell Road. The event included a tribute to the 58 people who died in the Oct. 1 mass shooting. “For the Raiders to be successful and ultimately win, it takes teamwork,” Raiders owner Mark Davis said NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell and Gov. Brian Sandoval were the top dignitaries on hand. “Only in Vegas can you turn a groundbreaking ceremony into a show,” Goodell said “Well … now it’s real, right?” Sandoval said. “This is one of the most transformative moments in the history of Las Vegas.”

The Right Take: Gov. Brian Sandoval endangers his legislative victories
The Right Take: Gov. Brian Sandoval endangers his legislative victories

The best thing Gov. Brian Sandoval can do to preserve his legislative accomplishments is to quit defending them. Attorney General Adam Laxalt’s announcement Wednesday that he’s running to replace Sandoval as Governor made official what’s been obvious for months. It’s also obvious that Laxalt is more conservative than Sandoval.

Governor Sandoval: “We fought hard” for ESA legislation
Governor Sandoval: “We fought hard” for ESA legislation

Education Savings Accounts died in the final days of the 2017 legislative session. Governor Brian Sandoval comments on why he thinks the Opportunity Scholarship legislation is the right compromise. Elaine Wilson/Las Vegas Review-Journal