Dolphin calf at Mirage celebrating first birthday
Dolphin calf at Mirage celebrating first birthday

This dolphin is celebrating her first birthday this month. Meet Coco! She was born July 17, 2017 at the Mirage’s Secret Garden and Dolphin Habitat. Her trainers describe her as a little kid who loves to be adventurous and look at everything. She eats about 10.5 pounds of fish per day, and spends her days in the pool with her mom, Huf N Puf, her big sister Bella, and her Grandma, Duchess.

Huf N Puf and newborn calf at Mirage
Huf N Puf and newborn calf at Mirage

Courtesy video from The Mirage shows Huf N Puf and her newborn calf swimming around at the Seigfried and Roy’s Secret Garden and Dolphin Habitat. (The MIrage)