Democratic National Convention postponed – VIDEO
Democratic National Convention postponed – VIDEO

The Democratic National Convention was set to take place over four days in the middle of July. Democratic officials have now confirmed the convention will take place the week of Aug. 17. (Las Vegas Review-Journal)

Last day for early voting at Culinary Union – VIDEO
Last day for early voting at Culinary Union – VIDEO

Voters were still in line just before 8 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2020, as early voting in the Nevada Democratic Party caucuses came to a close. (Shea Johnson/Las Vegas Review-Journal)

Nevada Poll: Bernie Sanders leads Democratic presidential candidates – VIDEO
Nevada Poll: Bernie Sanders leads Democratic presidential candidates – VIDEO

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders leads the presidential field by a solid margin among likely Democratic caucus-goers heading into Nevada’s four-day early voting period, with with 25 percent of respondents expressing support. (Renee Summerour/Las Vegas Review-Journal)

Saunders on the shutdown, SOTU and Democrat presidential candidates – VIDEO
Saunders on the shutdown, SOTU and Democrat presidential candidates – VIDEO

The White House is committed to the shutdown fight, but missing out on delivering the State of the Union would pain President Donald Trump. One of Trump’s 2020 challengers, Sen. Kamala Harris, is a flawed presidential candidate. That’s all according to Debra Saunders, the Las Vegas Review-Journal’s White House correspondent.

Democrats Support Border Walls For Themselves (The Right Take) – VIDEO
Democrats Support Border Walls For Themselves (The Right Take) – VIDEO

President Donald Trump and congressional Democrats remain at an impasse over wall funding as the government shutdown reaches the end of its second week. Trump insists on a physical barrier to secure the Southern border. Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto said a wall would be “ineffective.”

The Right Take: Migrant Caravan Attempts to Cross U.S. Border
The Right Take: Migrant Caravan Attempts to Cross U.S. Border

Migrant Caravan attempted to cross the U.S. border in a “violent manner” by throwing projectiles at border patrol agents. Columnist Victor Joecks goes over how the mainstream media shows its liberal bias by making the incident a national headline.

Bill Dentzer three big takeaways from 2018 election
Bill Dentzer three big takeaways from 2018 election

Nevada Politics 2018: This midterm election may have long ranging impact to the Nevada Republican party. Bill Dentzer, Review-Journal political reporter discusses how the Trump message may have impacted the outcome. Plus, why did it take so long to release vote totals? Will the state make changes to voting procedures?

The Right Take: Time For Republicans To Play Hardball On DACA
The Right Take: Time For Republicans To Play Hardball On DACA

In the Art of the Deal, Donald Trump writes, “Leverage: don’t make deals without it.”
Republicans have plenty of leverage in the stalled negotiations over passing a new version of the
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. It’s time for them to quit negotiating with Democrats
and use it.