Three coffees a day linked to more health than harm: study
Three coffees a day linked to more health than harm: study

Three cups of coffee a day
keep the doctor away? Researchers from Southampton and Edinburgh universities said that drinking three cups of coffee a day can reduce the risk of premature death, heart disease, liver disease, liver cancer and cirrhosis. The study confirms that pregnant women should not consume coffee as it could be harmful. Despite the positive outcomes of the study, the researchers warned that people should not start drinking coffee for health reasons, as their review included mainly observational data, and no firm conclusions could be drawn about cause and effect.

6 coffee Instagram accounts to follow on National Coffee Day
6 coffee Instagram accounts to follow on National Coffee Day

If your obsession for coffee is REAL, you must follow the following six Instagram accounts! Drift Mag Coffee cups of the world Barista daily Kaffe lab Timothy b hill Dear Coffee, I Love You.