Hostage escapes clutches of robber before shooting
Hostage escapes clutches of robber before shooting

Metropolitan Police Department footage shows a man wearing a motorcycle helmet, identified by police as 27-year-old Mario B. Trejo, with one arm wrapped around a woman’s neck and held a handgun to her head.

Bump stock manufacturers under fire
Bump stock manufacturers under fire

The Justice Department said last month that it had started the process to amend federal firearms regulations to clarify that federal law defines bump stocks as machine guns.

Walmart Raises Minimum Age to Purchase Guns
Walmart Raises Minimum Age to Purchase Guns

Retail giant Walmart announced on Feb. 28 that it would raise the minimum age to purchase guns to 21. This applies to purchasing firearms and ammunition. The company added it would remove online items. Walmart said it has not sold sporting rifles like the Florida shooter’s AR-15 since 2015.

Dick’s Sporting Goods Ends Sale of Assault Weapons Florida School Shooting
Dick’s Sporting Goods Ends Sale of Assault Weapons Florida School Shooting

Dick’s Sporting Goods Ends Sale of Assault Weapons Florida
School Shooting The retailer announced the move in an open letter and an appearance by CEO Ed Stack on ‘Good Morning America.’ Ed Stack, (Good Morning America) Ed Stack, (Good Morning America) Dick’s is also ending the sale of high-capacity magazines and sales of guns to people under 21 years old. The company ended the sale of assault weapons at Dick’s-branded stores after the Newtown, Conn. school shooting
in 2012. However, they were still selling them at its 35 Field & Stream locations. Nikolas Cruz, 17, shot and killed 17 students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida on Feb. 14.