5 Tips to avoid winter injuries and hazards
January 29, 2016 - 5:54 am

Elena Boffill and Dale Cason, both of Miami, don their heavy coats and gloves for a walk along the Las Vegas Strip, Dec. 15, 2015. (Bizuayehu Tesfaye/Las Vegas Review-Journal Follow @bizutesfaye)
Wintertime brings festivities and many outdoor activities people enjoy. Along with fun and frolic, winter also creates situations posing unique hazards. In fact, winter is a peak season for mishaps like falls, accidents and house fires.
Having adequate health insurance is one way to protect yourself and your family. You can get information about protecting your family at nevadahealthlink.com. Use the link to determine eligibility and find income-based health insurance plans for almost any need. But you need to act fast because enrollment ends Jan. 31.
Don’t miss out having wintertime fun. Instead, protect yourself and your family from mishaps by getting health care coverage and follow these tips to help bypass winter dangers.
1. Be careful with heat and fire
One of winter’s greatest dangers is completely invisible. Carbon monoxide poisoning is a silent killer that strikes most often in winter. Malfunctioning home heating systems can fill homes with the odorless gas. For safety, install a carbon monoxide detector. Another issue occurs when people start their car in a garage to let it warm up. Accuweather.com says if you want to let your car warm up, you need to make sure the garage door is open.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes most residential fires happen in winter when people are careless with candles, fireplaces, stoves and space heaters. Burns are also a serious wintertime health risk.
2. Take it easy
Mishaps are more likely when people try to do things that are unfamiliar. During winter, lots of Nevada residents head for the closest snow to enjoy winter sports. Sledding, skiing and snowboarding can all lead to bruises, sprains and broken bones. Have fun, but be careful and follow best safety practices. Have someone with more experience show you the ropes whenever possible.
3. Watch your step
Falls are a major health hazard in the U.S. Common injuries from falls include wrist fractures, hip fractures and head injuries. Falls also cause lower back problems for many. The CDC noted in 2013, the total cost for treating injuries from falls was $34 billion. The average hospital cost for injuries from falling was $35,000 (fatal and nonfatal).
The CDC says falls “are among the 20 most expensive medical conditions.” To avoid becoming one of the statistics, be careful when walking outside in inclement weather. Be especially cautious when crossing streets, stepping up on curbs or stairs, on uneven outdoor surfaces, etc.
4. Take it easy
Lots of winter mishaps occur because people take on tasks with which they are not accustomed. The CDC notes most residential fires happen in winter when people are careless with candles, fireplaces and stoves. People fall from furniture when trying to hang or take down decorations. Sledding, skiing and snowboarding can all lead to bruises, sprains and broken bones. Hundreds of bicyclists are injured each year in Nevada.
5. Use good hygiene
Colds and flu spread easily during winter. “Keeping hands clean is one of the most important steps you can take to avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others,” the CDC explains. “Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. If you don’t have tissue, cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve or elbow, not your hands.” If you are showing signs of a cold, skip winter gatherings so you don’t expose others.
6. Be prepared
It’s the Boy Scout motto, but it is good advice for anyone. One way to make sure you are prepared for health emergencies is to have adequate health insurance as required by federal law. Using Nevada Health Link’s prescreening tool, you can find out if you qualify for subsidized health coverage. But hurry, enrollment ends Jan. 31.
If you’d rather sign up in person, come to Nevada Health Link’s final Enrollment Event and Health Fair from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Clark County Government Center (500 S. Grand Central Pkwy., Las Vegas). Or, contact one of the licensed enrollment professionals statewide trained to help you sign up for coverage and assistance is free. Simply go online at nevadahealthlink.com and enter your zip code to find a location where you can sit down with someone who will help you enroll. Act now, because the deadline is almost here.