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Yucca Mountain

Rail proposal opposed

With few exceptions, most speakers Thursday told the Surface Transportation Board to suspend its review of federal plans to build a rail line from Caliente for hauling nuclear waste to a proposed repository at Yucca Mountain.

EPA sets Yucca radiation standards

WASHINGTON — The government on Tuesday issued long-awaited radiation standards for the proposed Yucca Mountain repository, setting a key public health threshold for experts to judge whether the nuclear waste site should be built.

From our archives: Yucca water rights denied

State Engineer Hugh Ricci has denied the Energy Department permanent rights to 140 million gallons per year of groundwater that the agency sought to build and operate the planned Yucca Mountain nuclear waste repository.

From our archives: YUCCA MOUNTAIN DEBATE: Experts argue findings

The opposing scientists representing Nevada and the federal government added more proof that geology is an inexact science, and they might not be able to provide the answers by the time a decision is expected.

In case you missed it