Devoted may not be a strong enough word to describe some fans of demon-fighting brothers Sam and Dean Winchester.
San Diego Comic Con
By Christopher Lawrence / RJ
Aside from Hall H, the longest lines Saturday were for the lottery for a chance to have a poster signed by the cast of a any number of movies and TV shows.
By Christopher Lawrence / RJ
For attendees, this is the equivalent of the seventh game of the World Series. And the seventh game of the NBA Finals. Played during halftime of the Super Bowl. On Christmas morning.
By Christopher Lawrence / RJ
Day 2 of Comic-Con featured Seth Rogen, random sightings of most of Netflix’s “Defenders” and a missing Mike Tyson.
By Christopher Lawrence / RJ
As Janet Jackson and the late Luther Vandross once sang, the best thing in life are free.
By Christopher Lawrence / RJ
The “Blade Runner 2049” Experience starts with a virtual-reality chase inside a Spinner.
By Christopher Lawrence / RJ
Think of it as the calm before the Stormtroopers. And the Wonder Women. And the Deadpools.
In case you missed it