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Supreme Court voids key part of Voting Rights Act

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that a key provision of the landmark Voting Rights Act cannot be enforced unless Congress comes up with an up-to-date formula for deciding which states and localities still need federal monitoring.

Smithfield drops Paula Deen as spokeswoman

Paula Deen lost another part of her empire on Monday: Smithfield Foods said it was dropping her as a spokeswoman. The announcement came days after the Food Network said it would not renew the celebrity cook’s contract in the wake of revelations that she used racial slurs in the past.

Send him back: US urges nations to return Snowden

The U.S. grasped for help Monday from both adversaries and uneasy allies in an effort to catch fugitive National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden. The White House demanded that he be denied asylum, blasted China for letting him go and urged Russia to “do the right thing” and send him back to America to face espionage charges.

Carrey says ‘Kick-Ass 2’ too violent after Newtown

Jim Carrey is distancing himself from his own movie, saying the Sandy Hook Elementary massacre changed his perspective on the violence in his upcoming action comedy “Kick-Ass 2.”

Zimmerman portrayed as vigilante in Fla. shooting

George Zimmerman was fed up with “punks” getting away with crime and shot 17-year-old Trayvon Martin “because he wanted to,” not because he had to, prosecutors argued Monday, while the neighborhood watch volunteer’s attorney said the killing was self-defense against a young man who was slamming Zimmerman’s head against the pavement.

Affirmative action survives Supreme Court review

Affirmative action in college admissions survived Supreme Court review Monday in a consensus decision that avoided the difficult constitutional issues surrounding a challenge to the University of Texas admission plan.

Hostess: Twinkies to return to shelves July 15

Hostess is betting on a sweet comeback for Twinkies when they return to shelves next month. The company that went bankrupt after an acrimonious fight with its unionized workers last year is back up and running under new owners and a leaner structure.

Man completes tightrope walk near Grand Canyon

Florida aerialist Nik Wallenda completed a tightrope walk that took him a quarter mile over the Little Colorado River Gorge in northeastern Arizona on Sunday.

Rivers receding in Calgary, thousands return home

About 65,000 residents of Calgary were being allowed to return to their homes Sunday to assess the damage from flooding that has left Alberta’s largest city awash in debris and dirty water.

South Africa: Nelson Mandela in critical condition

JOHANNESBURG — Nelson Mandela’s health has deteriorated and he is now in critical condition, the South African government said Sunday.

As wildfire rages, Colorado town braces for long evacuation

DEL NORTE, Colo. — A colossal wildfire near a popular summer retreat in southern Colorado continues to be driven by winds and fueled by dead trees in a drought-stricken area, authorities said Sunday.

Taliban offer adds urgency to Idaho POW rally

HAILEY, Idaho — A U.S. prisoner of war’s mother said she’s feeling “very optimistic” after his Taliban captors offered last week to exchange him for prisoners at Guantanamo Bay.

Wing walker, pilot die in crash at Ohio air show

CINCINNATI — A plane carrying a wing walker crashed Saturday at an air show and exploded into flames, killing the pilot and stunt walker instantly, authorities said.

Instagram video a savvy move by Facebook

NEW YORK — If you think Instagram snapshots of lunch plates, drooling babies and random desk objects are exciting, just wait until your friends start posting 15-second videos.

Three die in Canada floods, 75,000 forced from Calgary homes

CALGARY, Alberta — At least three people were killed by floodwaters that devastated much of southern Alberta, leading authorities to evacuate the western Canadian city of Calgary’s entire downtown. Inside the city’s hockey arena, the waters reached as high as the 10th row.

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