Contrary to the popular narrative, most millennials aren’t drowning in student loans. That’s because most millennials don’t even have college debt.
More money doesn’t increase student. Nevada has the test scores to prove it.
President Donald Trump continued his string of great judicial picks by nominating Lawrence VanDyke to Nevada’s open seat on the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.
If you want to eliminate your personal carbon emissions, don’t buy an electric vehicle. Most electric vehicles don’t eliminate carbon emissions, they displace them.
The federal government controls over 90 percent of the land in Southern Nevada. The Clark County Commission is working to make a bit more of it available for private development. That’s a good thing.
The turmoil in Syria over the last few years has been responsible for wholesale death and destruction as well as 6 million refugees.
Wayne Allyn Root’s crystal ball is cracked and soon to crumble.
Law enforcement and justice have been undermined with respect to illegal immigration due to a court decision in California.
The rising cost of higher education is a real concern, but it’s not a problem you fix by throwing money at it.
Thanks to a federal judge in California, illegal immigrant criminals in Clark County can now rest easy. The rest of us, not so much.
Interesting Republican candidates are flocking to the Congressional District 4 race like moths to a flame. It’s going to end up as well for them as it does for the moths.
California’s bullet train won’t be carrying passengers anytime soon, but it has one practical use. It’s a tangible illustration of what happens when political promises meet reality.
“If it bleeds, it leads” is standard practice for the media — unless the crime will cast a liberal priority in a negative light.
Over the last decade, Vermont tried to implement a single-payer health care scheme. It couldn’t pull it off.
If you watched the fourth Democrat debate and — unlike Joe Biden — managed to stay awake, you heard a whole lot of spin. Here’s the reality behind three common liberal claims.